Suggestions, Comments and Complaints
If you feel that you would like to make a comment about the service that we offer, then please get in contact with us by using our online Feedback form.
Firstly, if something is not going right whilst you are with us, tell us straight away. We want to put it right if we can.
We welcome constructive criticism. We want to hear about it if something goes wrong and if something goes well. The practice operates a practice complaints procedure as part of the NHS system for dealing with complaints.
By Letter
Write to our practice manager:
Mrs Alex Reid
Aldborough Surgery
Norfolk NR11 7NP
By Email:
FAO: Alex Reid, Practice Manager
The practice manager will look at your complaint and decide how best to resolve it.
This may mean one or more of the following:
- A verbal explanation
- A written reply
- A meeting with the practice manager
- A meeting with a doctor
We will try to address your concerns with a full explanation and discuss any action which could follow.
It will be our aim to answer all your questions. If you have already had a response to your complaint, the next step is to either request a further response from the practice to address your concerns or attend a meeting to try and achieve a resolution.
If, following a second response or meeting, a resolution has not been achieved, you can approach the Ombudsman to request that they investigate the complaint.
Alternatively, if you do not wish to make your complaint directly to the practice, you should contact NHS England directly, as follows:
Further Contacts
- Customer Contact Centre NHS England
P O Box 16738
B97 9PT
Tel: 0300 311 2233 (Mon-Fri)
FAO: The Complaints Manager
Email: - The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Tel: 0345 015 4033
Website: - Care Quality Commission
Tel: 0300 061 6161
Website: uk - Advocacy Service for NHS Complaints – This is a national service that supports people who want to make a complaint about their NHS care or treatment.
Tel: 0300 456 2370